So you can't scout the map looking at each Outpost for a particular vehicle because it won't appear until you Fast Travel there. Outposts, will not show their vehicle spawns until you actually Fast Travel to them. There's another points worth stressing here. So thats definitely a major bonus of capturing a Fortress. Every single Fortress has a Buzzer within its grounds when you Fast Travel to that location. Something interesting about Fortresses is that they're a guaranteed spawn point for the Buzzer. Fortresses are heavily guarded areas controlled by one of the crime lords: De Pleur, Yuma, Noore and Pagan Min. If you want to go hunting in the local area for animals, pick up some loot chests or liberate a Bell Tower or two then you ideally want the Buzzer for those.

Fast Travel saves you a tonne of time getting from one part of the map to another, but it only helps to a point. Going back to basics for a minute, Fast Travel points are unlocked through some Campaign missions but mostly through capturing Outposts. In this post I'm going to list all the spawn locations for the Buzzer so you know which Fast Travel locations to aim for. It's unpredictable nature to spawn in some places but not others isn't as unpredictable as you might think. By now you've worked out that the Buzzer is the best vehicle in the game for a number of reasons.